We recommend to use modern browsers like Chrome or Firefox
Check your WebGL support at webglreport.com
If the problem still persists contact with us and attach the following data:
Use orthographic camera projection
Use perspective camera projection
View the cloud from the right side
View the cloud from the top side
View the cloud from the front side
Use fly controls to navigate the point cloud
Use cursor keys and AWSD to move the camera
Use earth controls to navigate the point cloud
Drag a point and move the mouse
Use orbit controls to navigate the point cloud
The camera orbit around the center of the point cloud
Reset the camera to view the whole point cloud
Clip the point cloud using a bounding box volume
- E: translate the bounding box
- R: scale the bounding box
- T: rotate the bounding box
- C: switch clipping mode
Clip by a polygon
Clip by a screen box
Remove all clippings in the screen
- Clipping mode
Get the position of a point of the cloud
Measure angles between segments over points
Measure linear distances between points
Measure an area over the point cloud
Draw a profile line over the point cloud
- Press Ctrl key while drag the final point to change profile's width
Export all measurements in DXF file format
Rotate the point cloud along the Z axis
Remove all measures and profiles drawn over the point cloud
- Point Size
- Point limit
- Opacity
- Background
- Class Filter
- Point Type
- Point Shape
- Shader
- Color
- Elevation
- Intensity
- Intensity Gradient
- Classification
- Return Number
- Source
- Level of Detail
- Point Index
- Normal
- Index
- RGB and Elevation
- Composite
- Matcap
- Quality
- Eye Dome Lighting
- Radius
- Strength
Ermita del Calvari, Énova
1789. Barroca. En ruïnes. Situada al lloc de l’antic castell andalusí de Yânubah, en un paratge amb espectaculars vistes. Financiada pels habitants de l’Énova a través d’almoïnes. El pas del temps afectà l’ermita i les fortes pluges de 1982 arrassaren part de la seua estructura. Situada en el emplazamiento del antiguo castillo andalusí de Yânubah, en un enclave con espectaculares vistas. Fue financiada por los habitantes de l’Énova a través de limosnas. El paso del tiempo afectó la ermita y las fuertes lluvias de 1982 arrasaron parte de su estructura. Located on the site of the old Andalusian Castle of Yânubah, with spectacular sightviews. The hermitage was financed by the local population, by way of collecting alms. The hermitage largely succumbed to the passage of time, with heavy rains in the autumn of 1982 washing away a significant part of its structure.
161.803.745 points
11594 files
Confirm cloud removal
Warning! This cannot be recovered. Are you sure?